A berry delicious new diecutting machine - the eCraft! I had the honor of designing two SD cards for Craftwell in 2010 and now can't wait to try out my designs on their machine. I hope to be able to play with my new machine this weekend. Hopefully once I learn the ins and outs, I can give some tips and tricks right here on the blog! Craftwell also just launched eCraftCentral where you can download individual shapes as you need.
Love the color!! I may need one, just to have the bright color in my area :)
Very cool! Can't wait to see what you create with it. --evilwoman
I got one too!! The software is really easy to use and I think it is going to be a lot of fun to use!
Your new blog looks great! Love your designs! Cant wait to see what you cook up with this little baby!
You are going to love it!!!! I have a white one!
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