1. Halloween is only 12 days away and the boys haven't picked out their costumes yet! We usually start mid-August. Yikes! My Pirate Booty page was featured on the
CK Blog yesterday along with some other great costume pages!

2. It took everything in my power to resist buying these at Walmart last night when Emmitt and I were buying the Halloween Candy. "Laina, do not buy the Peanut Butter Kisses. Your kids hate them and you will end up eating the entire bag." Conversations I have to have with myself every day.

3. Lots and lots of drawing. Anyone upgrade to CS6? I have the program, just haven't had time to install and play. I think Sunday is the day! I've been working on the new Jillibean collections all week. Jill's ideas are once again superb and I am having a ball creating patterns and pretty stickers. I can't wait to share. In the meantime, head on over to
the blog for a fun game and giveaway today!

4. Getting ready for another Friday Night Lights tonight. Bay versus North Ridgeville, who luckily has had as bad of a season as Bay. It's been a struggle this season for Max as a player and for the entire team. He has battled a severe ankle injury, a losing record and some not so nice or effective coaching. Trying hard not to wish it over since it's his last season. Sigh. The good news is that he has finished and submitted applications to Case Western, Wittenburg and Ohio Northern. The Denison application needs a little more work but we are almost there. Max has been working his tail off between school, football and the application process. I haven't broke the news to him yet that we need to start applying for scholarships in November!

5. Starting my Christmas lists for the boys. It's going to be tough this year. The little guys are at the age that they don't need anymore toys than what they already have, yet Emmitt still believes in Santa. (Cooper the 5th graders is of course pretending that he still does to trick me into buying him more gifts. I got his number.) The y are both technology nuts and have way too much product awareness. Steve and I are struggling with what to give them. Probably an inexpensive laptop for them to share and some sort of flipcam. I still need some Santa stuff for under the tree but don't want to waste money on toys that won't get played with 5 days after Christmas. Emmitt is
obsessed with WWE right now. All four of the males species I live with are. Emmitt the most though. Not my favorite show at all. The only thing he can tell me he wants is this belt. Great. I look forward to seeing it on him every day this Winter. Not!
Have a great weekend!!!