
my kids are crazy.

so we get home from a friend's house and i realize that I forgot to bring the garage door opener. i take frank in the yard to pee for like the 28th time that day. the boys are in the driveway talking. coop goes through the side door and opens the garage door to get his bike out. i'm concentrating on frank. the next thing i hear is emmitt going weeeee......

this little three year old rascal has grabbed the bottom handle of the door and is riding it like an elevator. life is now passing by me in slow motion. the door opens all the way and he is hanging from the top of the garage by his little hands, laughing at first and then screaming when he realizes how far off the ground he is.

i run over, grab his legs and get him down. shaking with complete fear at how dangerous the situation was and how completely ridiculously funny it was at the same time.

we had a long talk and agreed that we will NOT try this again. what will they try next?


Shelly Brewer said...

Sounds funny to me..but I'm sure it was scary for a moment!

Wendy said...

sounds like one of those "panic now-laugh later" type moments! my DS has tried a few of those out on me :)

Silvitanova said...

I also often have to bite my lip to not laugh when my 3Year-ols son does something crazy & dangerous.