I am loving February! (for the record - I still hate the cold and snow.) Two reasons - Scrapbooking Christmas Pictures and American Idol. When it's this cold out my family tends to hibernate on the weekends which means lots of scrapping time for me. We take tons of pictures from the holiday season and it always seems so daunting when I sit down to scrapbook those memories. The pictures are not always the best due to low lighting and jumpy children, but still they are oh so important memories and I really want to capture them. It's such a sense of relief when I finally get going and tackle the job. Here are just a few I've finished the last few weeks.
I can't wait to see Idol tomorrow. Will Nick be Norman??? So far Danny is my fav. Alexis is very good. The other dude is a dud no matter how nice a guy. Stephan Fowler blew it major - and he's got an awesome voice.
Gotta go! More pics to scrap.

look at all that wonderful scrappy goodness!!!
As always, I just love your work!
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