It's a very true statement for me today. I found out last week that my position as the Event's Coordinator at Archiver's was being eliminated. Not just at my location, at all the Archiver's stores. The problems with the economy have touched every company big and small. Archiver's has not been immune to this failing economy. Please don't think Archiver's is closing, because they are not. If they were ignorant and ignored the reality of the situation it would be a possibility but the owners are being realistic and making changes that are necessary in this economic climate.
Am I saddened? Of course. Am I taking this personally? No. I loved my job and the people I worked with. Archiver's was a great place to work and I will miss it. I learned so much about scrapbooking and grew every single day I was there. The experience was invaluable and I will always remember the fun I had learning and sharing with others. I will continue to shop there and support Jen, Caroline and the great staff that makes the store what it is. What would we do without Archiver's? I would have to drive to Michigan or Columbus just to buy paper! I have already told Jen that I expect a personal invite when the new products arrive. I will really miss opening those new boxes with Tara when they come in.

The upside of all of this? No more weekend or evening shifts. (My husband really misses me.)
Leaving the store allows me to teach or sell my designs anywhere. I am bursting with ideas for classes, projects and products and now can pursue those and so many other limitless opportunities.
Saving the best for last here...I already have secured freelance position working for a scrapbook manufacturer. I am working three days a week as a graphic designer once again designing what else?!? Scrapbooking Products! I feel so incredibly thankful and lucky to fall into this when so many others are struggling to find employment. It is truly a dream job for me.
On to Chapter 2. It just seems to get better as the book goes on. :)
You will fly. :) I'm sure of it. Hugs to you my friend!!
Hey chica! I will miss you up there! Can't wait to see what's next though...you will have to post about where we can find your products :) -Archiver's frequent shopper!
When one door closes, another opens! Congrats on the freelance position. They are lucky to have you! I am sure that you will do fabulous!!!
oh what a bummer...but i can't wait to see what you come up with next!!!
Hi Laina!
Wow! What a great case of serendipity! One never knows what road one will end up on, true? I can't WAIT for an online class with you...I just LOVE your eclectic style! Thinking of you next time I go to ARchivers!
I'm sad you won't be there but so excited for you and all the possibilities that are opening up. Guess you'll have time to write that wonderful idea book we're all waiting for! Don't worry--we will stalk you and your work wherever you are (and I mean that in the best possible sense!)
Girlfriend...you will rock!!! Best wishes to you. I know that hubby of yours is one happy camper..he,hee,hee. I will keep an eye out for your designs. Keep us posted. (Say hi to your mom)
Congrats on your new position. Archiver's will miss you, but this will be a great opportunity for your awesome talent! I managed to stay on in Chicago because they would never let me have another position :) (I couldn't do the nights and weekends they wanted). But I am looking for other avenues as well.
I enjoyed seeing your scrap room too on WIP. You have a lot of cool vintage storage. Where did you find the paper storage??? Say hi to Jen and everyone next time you go shopping.
Wait a minute...is that LISA?? in one of those pics?
You are an inspiration to all women! You didn't take it personally, you didn't hold grudges of the employees staying, you're not going to boycott the store AND you respect the people who had to make the tough decisions...you go girl!
Also, your work is an inspiration. I can't tell you how many times I'm working on a page and want to ask you "what am I missing?" I wish you could teach me all your tricks! :)
About the door thing, I GET IT! Even in the worst case scenerios, doors close, and God willing others open and positive changes can/will be made. Thank you for helping me understand that again.
Laina,sorry to hear about your position at Archiver's and I'm going to miss seeing you there. but so glad for the new path your career will be taking, congrats! I'm sure you will do great! And so true how one door closes, etc!
Don't worry Laina, I'll be the first in line to buy your paper. I love your style and I'm sure you will have great stuff...
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