because she NEVER throws anything away...i find treasures at her house every time I visit. I guess when you grow up during the depression you learn the value of things.
The last time i visited she gave me her Underwood Typewriter. This oversized beauty can type legal size paper (and 12x12!). I researched the typewriter online and the best that I can tell is that it was made around 1920. After a little cleaning and polish, I put some paper in to test it out. Lo and behold, it still works! The ribbon is a little faint and the keys stick a little but it adds so much quality to the print. I can't wait to use this on a layout.

It gets mom and oldest son Max went to see her last week and dragged this back from Fremont as well. It was given to me from a dear family friend who is a big time quilter and collects sewing machines. Meet my new sewing machine - the Singer Slant-O-Matic 401.

Ths baby was the last model made with all metal parts. The manufacturing date is around 1957 whcih is pretty obvious given the style of the cabinet. I have read nothing but good about these machines on the internet. The parts are so strong it can sew through leather and several layers of thick fabric. Again, after a little cleaning, it was ready to go. My mother came over and gave me a little sewing lesson. (I hadn't used a machine in over 25 years!) I am SO excited to finally be able to stitch on my layouts. Watch out world! I'm gonna be the next Jill Hornby.